Kendon Trike/Spyder/Sidecar Folding Stand-Up™ Trailer Coming Soon

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Big things are happening at Kendon! Exciting things! We have a new trailer on the drawing board right now. We’re designing a brand-new folding stand-up trailer designed to fit Harley-Davidson and conversion trikes, Can-Am Spyders, sidecars, and a bunch of other non-traditional power sports vehicles.


We’ve gotten a lot of requests recently for a trailer to carry trikes and Spyders and sidecars. The Kendon Dual-Rail trailers are big enough, but the weight displacement is off due to the position of the engine or center of mass of these vehicles. Part of the magic of a Kendon trailer is perfect balance and tongue weight, providing an exceptional towing experience. So we’re developing a new model trailer that has the right size and weight displacement for a huge array of power sports vehicles.

Here comes the best part. Click here to add your name to our mailing list for details and updates on the Kendon Trike/Spyder/Sidecar Stand-Up™ Trailer project. As part of this email list, you’ll receive:

  • News and info during development
  • Sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes looks as we design and test
  • Be the first to know when it’s ready
  • Special offers and pre-sale opportunities

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Now get out there. Go. Ride.

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